The name for this shop came from an idea that popped into my head one day, when I was looking at an acorn, while on a hike in the mountains above Santa Barbara.
"If an acorn can create a tree, what may we?!"
This little seed has the ability to become a tree...
We are like this. Our potential is to become something rooted and far-reaching. Maybe, we do not even know yet what we are capable of.
The concept for WILD ACORNS was born that day, for it is in the things that we create, and offer to the world that gives our life its true meaning. Over the years my husband and I have worked with private clients and designers, building furniture and lighting, on residential and commercial projects.
I have continued to make jewelry, refinish furniture, paint murals, and do creative paint treatments. I have also done small interior design projects ...what ever I could do to draw upon my creativity.
As I build this web-site and the Project Gallery, I intend to make available the offerings, not only from myself, but other creatives in my life.
jewelry+art+gifts+home decor